[email protected]
352-535-7055 please leave a message if you get VM, all calls will be returned.
Member NFFGRB & ARBA, Inc.
352-535-7055 please leave a message if you get VM, all calls will be returned.
Member NFFGRB & ARBA, Inc.
Before contacting me with question's
Please read the terms and conditions page (if you disagree or are unwilling to follow the terms and conditions, do not message me.)
Also, please read the availability page, if there is nothing listed there… there is nothing currently available.
Know what you are looking for:
Color Preference (I currently raise: Fawn, Sandy, Light Gray, Steel Gray and Black) there again, if it’s not on the availability page….
Show Quality
Pet Quality (very few pets are ever available, so even if you want a “pet” be prepared to pay full price)
Use the contact form below to make an inquiry